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Terms of use

Before you proceed, please take a moment to read and understand our Terms of Use. These terms are designed to ensure a positive and respectful experience for all users of our service. By using our service, you agree to abide by these terms.

  1. Intended Use: Our prank mailer service is intended for entertainment purposes only. The products, and services are meant to bring a smile to your recipients' faces. They should not be used for any form of harassment, harm, or to promote hate speech. By using our service, you confirm that your intentions are light-hearted and respectful.

  2. No Harassment: You agree not to use our service to engage in any form of harassment, intimidation, or any activity that could cause distress to the recipient. Harassment includes but is not limited to sending repeated or unwanted mailers, offensive content, or anything that invades an individual's privacy.

  3. No Hate Speech: Our materials are designed to be fun and cheeky, but they should never be construed as promoting hate speech, discrimination, or harmful stereotypes. You agree not to use our service to promote or distribute materials that are offensive, discriminatory, or incite hatred outside of our website.

  4. Political Mailers and Voter Suppression: While we support political expression, our service must not be used to engage in voter suppression, intimidation, or any activity that undermines the democratic process. Political mailers should promote open discussion and awareness without attempting to hinder individuals' right to vote.

  5. Feedback and Improvement: We welcome your feedback and suggestions for enhancing our service. Feel free to share your insights on how we can maintain a positive and respectful platform for all users.

  6. Respect for Privacy: While our mailers are meant to be amusing, it's essential to respect the privacy of the recipient. Do not share or distribute personal information without consent, and avoid using our service to embarrass or demean others.

  7. Purchaser Responsibility and Anonymous Prank Mailers: While we're all for a good laugh, we want to ensure that our prank mailers bring hilarity, not confusion. If you decide to send a prank mailer without including a message, we reserve the right to reveal the name (but not contact information) of the purchaser to the recipient, only if the recipient contacts us seeking clarification. Our aim is to maintain an atmosphere of lighthearted amusement, and we encourage purchasers to consider the impact of their prank mailer. Rest assured, any information shared will be treated with utmost confidentiality, and no contact information will ever be disclosed.

  8. Legal Compliance: You are responsible for ensuring that your use of our service complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, intellectual property rights, defamation laws, and any local, state, or federal laws governing mailing and communication.

  9. Liability: Numbskull INC assumes no liability for the content of the mailers or the reactions of the recipients. Users are solely responsible for the content they send and the impact it may have.

  10. Feedback and Improvement: We encourage feedback and suggestions to improve our service. Feel free to share your thoughts on how we can enhance the experience and maintain a positive and respectful environment for all users.

  11. Termination of Service: Numbskull INC reserves the right to terminate or suspend your use of the service if we believe you are violating these Terms of Use or engaging in any harmful, disrespectful, or inappropriate behavior.

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